Coffee Story: The Forced Coffee Cultivation System in West Sumatra [Part 4]
Within a decade of reaching the pinnacle of the success of the coffee Cultivation System in West Sumatra. Coffee production dropped dramatically and the government was unable to stem the decline. It was also what made the colonial government revoke the Coffee Cultivation System in 1908. Kenneth R. Young describes several factors in the decline […]
Coffee Story: The Forced Coffee Cultivation System in West Sumatra [Part 3]
In 1845, the last Padri center village in Sungai Pagu was captured by the colonial government. With that, West Sumatra was completely conquered by the colonial government. Michiels’ proposal was accepted and implemented without significant resistance from the people, especially the clergy, so conditions were more stable and economic activity could run smoothly. On March […]
Coffee Story: The Forced Coffee Cultivation System in West Sumatra [Part 2]
Still about the story of forced planting and coffee in West Sumatra. Based on the last writing of the Governor of West Sumatra, Colonel A.V. Michiels made a proposal about the coffee system. Michiels’ proposal was ignored, because in late 1838 a government commissioner -P. Merkus, a member of the Raad van Indie – was […]