Many of you may not be aware of UTZ certification. So what is UTZ certification? UTZ certification is a label for sustainable coffee and cocoa farming. By providing better opportunities to farmers, their families, and their workers.

UTZ certification also has a program for farmers to learn how to farm in a better way. Farmers also learn about caring for their families, their environment, and improving conditions for their workers.

In this discussion, we will get to know more about UTZ certification, you can see the discussion about UTZ certification below!

History of UTZ Certification

This UTZ certification is a standard created by a private organization in the Netherlands. UTZ certification was established in 2002 in Guatemala by a Guatemalan coffee farmer and a Dutch roaster. The organization initially wanted to bring coffee certification to the global market and positively impact agricultural practices around the world. When the UTZ certification program was first established, it was called “UTZ Kapeh” which means “good coffee”.

But in 2016, when the organization started working beyond certification and working with multiple stakeholders to address work issues such as farmer income and climate change, the name was shortened to UTZ.

The UTZ certificate aims to improve and add to the industry’s commitment to networking with farmers. Over time the UTZ certification program has 10,000 different product packages and more in more than 116 countries around the world. The UTZ certified program provides farmers, their families and workers with better opportunities for better agricultural practices.

They also have a vision to achieve a sustainable agricultural supply chain

UTZ Certification Already Part of the Rainforest Alliance?

In 2018 the UTZ organization joined the Rainforest Alliance with the aim of creating a better future for people and the world, and becoming a better partner in working together.

Since the UTZ organization merged with the Rainforest Alliance, the combined decades of experience of each organization have led to the development of new agricultural standards.

The Rainforest Alliance 2020 certification program was launched in July 2020 and in September with the introduction of the Rainforest Alliance seal, UTZ certificates were phased out. So if you buy a product from the Rainforest Alliance then you will see the Rainforest Alliance certification seal.

If you have a new business and want to work together and want to get UTZ certified then you no longer apply for the UTZ certification program but instead apply for Rainforest Alliance 2020 certification Then what are the requirements for a farm or company to get UTZ certification or Rainforest Alliance certification.

Eligibility for UTZ Certification

Of course, getting UTZ certification is not easy. Compliance with the stringent requirements is a must for companies and farms to obtain UTZ certification and be audited by an independent certification body.

The requirements that a company or plantation must have include good agricultural practices as well as farm management, healthy and safe working conditions, addressing child and forced labor, and environmental protection.

With these requirements, it is expected that companies or plantations can improve and learn to make their business in line with sustainable principles. Through these requirements, consumers will have more confidence in the products they consume because they are sure how the company manages the product.

There are two schemes in UTZ certification: the Code of Conduct certification which applies to farms and farmer groups through an internal management system. Chain of Custody certification applies to cover both management and traders.

As required by UTZ certification, all certificate holders are obliged to record all their sales. Certificate holders are also required to register every transaction on the Good inside Portal (GIP).

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